Local Rules - Beldih Golf Course
- Drain running across 1st/10th fairway up to the culvert on the left.
- All Paved Cart Paths.
- Anthills, only if marked.
- Metal Road Running across 9th/18th fairway.
- All Electrical/Telephone poles and wires.
- All tee board signages.
- Jungle Area short of Metal Road on 9th/18th fairway. In case the ball has not crossed the Metal Road, the player may play next shot either as it lies or from the DZ provided on the mound, just short of the Jungle Area without penalty.
- Monsoon water drains on the fairways of 2nd/11th, 4th/13th and 7th/16th holes.
Penalty Areas
- Pond on the right of 4th fairway.
- Pond on the right of 5th fairway.
- Drain running alongside 7th/16th fairway on the left.
- Drain running alongside the wall on 7th/16th fairway on the right up to behind the Green.
- Pond behind 5th green.
- Any other area as marked by red stakes.
Out of Bounds
- Ball coming to rest outside the boundary of the golf course.
- Area on the right of 8th/17th fairway marked with white pillars.
- Area on the left of wire mesh protecting the practice chipping and putting greens.
- Area left of Drop Gate on the left of 9th/18th.
Please Note: A ball coming to rest near any boundary wall of the course including the fence protecting the chipping green area on the left of 9th/18th green, must be played as it lies. A relief would be available within two club lengths, but not nearer the hole, with a penalty of one stroke.
Edging Grooves
Free relief from Edging Grooves: A ball lying in the edging grooves, or if a player's stance comes on an edging groove (the line/groove that separates the 2 different kinds of grass around the greens), the ball may be dropped at the nearest point of relief and not closer to the hole.
Please note the relief is both for the ball and the stance and not for swing or line of play.
If a ball strikes an electric/telephone pole on the fly (direct hit) the player MUST cancel that shot and play another one without penalty.