Local Rules - Golmuri Golf Course
Out of Bounds
- Beyond any fence or wall defining the boundary of the course.
- Internal Out of Bounds:
- Hole No. 1: Treatment Plant short and right of the green.
- Hole No. 6: Left of Tower as demarcated by White Stakes and/or White Lines.
- Hole No. 15: Right of the penalty area extending to the White Line near the Tee box of 16th hole.
- Hole No. 16: Right of the penalty area on the right side of the fairway.
Water Hazards
- Entire Nallah which runs thru the course (till the end) is either “Water Hazard” OR “Lateral Water Hazard” as defined by Yellow/Red stakes/lines.
- Drop Zones, when provided, may be used to take relief under a penalty of one stroke. If more than one Drop Zone is provided, then the player MUST use the Nearest Drop Zone.
Penalty Areas (Marked/Unmarked)
- Right of 1st Green.
- Behind the 2nd Green.
- While playing the 3rd Hole, the entire area left of fairway extending up to the end of the lake.
- Entire area on the left and the right of 4th Hole fairway.
- Right side of 5th & 7th Hole fairways.
- Tank short of 6th Green.
- Pumping Station and adjoining Pond on the right of 8th Hole.
- Entire triangle between 10th, 11th & 12th fairways.
- Pond on the 13th Hole on the left side just after the 1st bunker.
No More Penalty Areas (Play the ball as it lies)
Except areas defined under Penalty Areas above, there are no other internal penalty areas. They are all part of General Playing Area and the ball must be played as it lies. Such as:
- Area between 2nd and 3rd hole
- Area between left of 2nd hole and the Driving Range.
- Area right of 6th Fairway.
- Area left of entire 15th Fairway.
- Area left of entire 16th Fairway.
Abnormal Ground Conditions
- Ant hills may be treated as Ground Under Repair, only if marked.
- Old/New Saplings Pits, Flower Beds and Ornamental Shrubs are to be treated as Ground Under Repair.
- Embedded Ball – In the General Playing Area a ball that is embedded in its own pitch-mark may be lifted without penalty, cleaned and dropped as near as possible to where it lay but not nearer the hole. The ball when dropped MUST first strike a part of the General Playing Area.
- Grass Cuttings and leaf piles abandoned, which are not meant for removal are NOT GUR.
- Open earthen pathways are not GUR and no free relief is permissible.
Water Collection Area
While playing hole number 16, if a players ball finishes inside the white marked area between the 2 electric pylons, the player may lift, clean and place the ball within “ONE CLUB LENGTH” of its original position and not nearer the hole before taking the next stroke without penalty.
The above is applicable looking at the soggy and wet condition in the mentioned area and the golf ball picking up mud.
- Lightweight advertising signage boards/display panels except those on the teeing ground. Options are - Play as it lies. If removable, can be removed or take free relief One club length from the nearest point of relief, not nearer the hole.
- Stones in bunkers are movable obstructions.
- All benches, screens, tube wells, pumps, hydrants, sprinkler heads, water pipe connector, exposed pipes, drainage covers, irrigation units, irrigation valves, shelters, poles, yardage markers on the fairways, bridges, tee signage, “Use Me”, “Sand Pits”, open catch basins, advertising boards (on the teeing ground) and yardage markers (on the teeing ground). Options are - Play as it lies. If removable, can be removed or take free relief One club length from the nearest point of relief, not nearer the hole.
- In case a ball goes with in the periphery of Transmission Line Towers, a player must take a Compulsory Drop, as a safety precaution, at the nearest point of relief on either side.
- Only when playing 7th Hole: White poles demarcating OB Line for the 6th Hole are Immovable Obstructions. If such a pole interferes with the player’s stance or the area of intended swing, the player may take free relief within one club length of the Nearest Point of Relief.
- Wall of Power Grid/Gantry area on 5th Hole is an Immovable Obstruction. If the wall interferes with the player’s stance, the area of intended swing or the Line of Play, the player may take free relief within one-club length of the Nearest Point of Relief, not nearer the Hole. Additionally, the player may use the Drop Zone, provided on the right side of the fairway.
- Machan Area, behind 18th green is integral part of the course. The ball must be played as it lies. Player may take relief with a penalty of one stroke within two club length, but not nearer the hole OR use the Drop Zone provided behind the 18th Green with a penalty of one stroke.
Clock Tower
- The Clock Tower or adjoining lights are Immovable Obstructions.
- If a ball strikes any part of the Clock Tower, including the metal pole on top, the ball has to be played as it lies.
- If the Clock Tower or adjoining lights interferes with the player’s stance, area of the intended swing or the Line of Play, the player may take free relief and drop the ball within one club length of the Nearest Point of Relief.
Power Lines, Transmission Tower and Power Grid/Gantry Area
- If a ball strikes any overhead wire or any transmission tower (not the clock tower), the stroke is cancelled and the player MUST re-play the shot from as close to the spot where the previous shot was played from.
- If a ball lies within any Transmission Tower the player must take a drop, without any penalty, at the closest point of relief on either side. OR drop the ball in the Drop Zone, if provided.
- While playing the 5th Hole, Power Grid/Gantry area enclosed by cemented wall is “No Entry Zone”. Any shot which has gone inside this area without hitting any overhead wires, the player must play his next shot from the Drop Zone, without any penalty.
- If a ball strikes the “Single Iron Pole” (without any over-head wires) near the concrete bridge on the 16th hole, a player must cancel the stroke and re-play the shot from as close to the spot from where the last shot was played.
Protection of Young Tree - Free Relief
Young Trees are identified by White Paint/Ribbons. If such a tree interferes with a player’s stance or the area of intended swing, the ball MUST be lifted, without penalty, and dropped within one club length of the Nearest Point of Relief.